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2002-05-05 - 9:59 p.m.

Mr. Louisiana called me Friday night. At me home number. From his cell phone. I wonder if the cat was away or if something bigger was going on. Hmmmm...

Throughout our affair of say, 10 months now, he has never called me on the weekend. We have a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday thing going on.

I'll call him at the office tomorrow and give you the scoop. I would like to see him one last time when I know it is going to be the last time. That way there will be no hanging on to hopes or random wonderings.

I sound like a teenager with all of this angst. Teenagers often confuse knowledge with wisdom. At my age, nothing is ever confusing, (except "Mulholland Drive") it's about choices. And right now, I'll have a tall, decaf vanilla frap, no cream. Starbucks is evil, but their product is divine.

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